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Want to see me animate live? I now also stream my animations on Twitch!


Hello all!

My name is Eddie Mendez and I am currently working towards my dream to be an Animator. I am a graduate from Northwest Vista College with an Associate of Applied Science in 3D Animation. I am constantly improving my animation as I continue to practice on my own time, taking what I learned from college and applying them to my work.


Back in 2013 when I left the military life, I had started attending college with the idea of becoming a 3D modeler for video games. Under that degree program we were introduced to both modeling and animation. It was around my 3rd semester in college that I discovered my true calling was actually 3D Animation. I found myself having more fun animating characters rather then modeling them, this is when I started focusing more towards an animation career. Around this time I started thinking back to when I was younger and how I used to create animations without even thinking anything of it. I would draw various things in the bottom corner of my notbooks and flip the pages real fast to see them do randon things. I would do stuff such as stick men waving or boucing balls bouncing up and down, simple stuff like that mainly because they were fun and fun to watch when I fliped the pages. I also started thinking about how I used to play games as a kid and would look at how the characters moved. I remeber making them walk slowly and just looking at them saying to myself "thats super cool." Of course at the time i thought nothing of it, but now thinking back to it, I like to think that animation was meant for me when i grew older and learned about it.

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